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Western Union - Refund Store

Description: After the money was sent via the WU Gateway system, if, for some reason, the sender wants to cancel the send and get the principal as a refund, this transaction can be used. Before using the Refund transaction, the MTCN needs to be locked by sending a Refund Search.

The experience API (third-party-api) will push the requests to third-party-prc api which sends the request to wu-sys-api and responds back to the channel.

Mulesoft Request:


Mandatory Headers: x-correlation-id, client_id, x-channel-id, client_secret

Optional Headers: x-sub-channel-id, , x-bank-id, x-user-id, x-debug-flag, x-customer-id, Authorization


URI Params: NA

Query Params: NA


    "firstName": "MIKA",
    "lastName": "YARDEN",
        "addressLine1": "1ST STREET",
        "city": "ORBID",
        "postalCode": "11931",
        "countryIsoCode": "JO"
    "email": "MIKA@GMAIL.COM",
    "universalBuffer": "0003JOR01101ST STREET0305IRBID0506JORDAN0605119310806F00L062301Y3401I4301Y4402EN5203962531096295010995801N5914MIKA@GMAIL.COM8012CAPITAL BANK8208123407968607SAVINGS",
        "name": "CAPITAL BANK",
        "accountNumber": "12340796",
        "accountType": "SAVINGS"
    "firstName": "HESHAM",
    "lastName": "LUKAS",
        "countryIsoCode": "PH"
    "universalBuffer": "0003PIL0806F00L053401I4005JOT444109AJO2500684502EN4601Y5203962531096295010995701N5801N"
        "principalAmount": 1643,
        "grossAmount": 1993,
        "currencyIsoCode": "JOD",
        "countryIsoCode": "JO"
    "destination": {
        "expectedPayoutAmount": 1643,
        "actualPayoutAmount": ,
        "currencyIsoCode": "PHP",
        "countryIsoCode": "PH"
    "taxes": {
        "municipalTax": 0,
        "stateTax": 0,
        "countyTax": 0
        "baseCharges": 350,
        "deliveryCharges": 0,
        "otherCharges": 0,
        "charges": 350
    "transactionId": 2204681929147079,
    "moneyTransferControlNumber": "1929147079",
    "moneyTransferDate": "02-15-22 0657A EST",
    "referenceKey": "411238400-#R08",
    "refundableFlag": "Y",
    "julianDate": "220468"

Content-type: application/json

Mulesoft Response:

Success Response: (200)

  "status": {
    "success": true,
    "code": "200",
    "arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاح",
    "englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed"
  "response": {
       "transactionStatus": "Success",
       "moneyTransferControlNumber": "1929147079",
       "moneyTransferDate": "02-15 0700A EST”

Sample Error Response:

500 :

    "success”:  false,
    "code”:  500,
    "reasonCode”: "Internal Server Error",
    "arabicMessage”: "",
     "englishMessage":"NO MATCHING RECORDS FOUND",
    "backendError": "NO MATCHING RECORDS FOUND",  (if debug flag is on)
    "backendCode": "D0004" (if debug flag is on)
